Too clever to have children? Oh thank god. Let’s take the selfish cunt DNA out of the gene pool once and for all!

22 Nov–believe-motherhood-beneath-them.html

A group of ladies is very busy applauding themselves this morning in the Daily Mail for being too clever to have children.  They’ve sunk all the energy and passion and intelligence they possess into building careers and have absolutely no time for motherhood, which apparently sucks anyways.  You would think they might have a little time to hit the gym, but no, that’s not a priority either, by the looks of it.

The article describes motherhood as boring, a slog, virtual house arrest, intellectually unstimulating and a life of being controlled by someone else.  Goodness!  Well, who would want that?  These ladies interpret their impressions of motherhood not as a character flaw in themselves (I have no maternal instinct- tee hee – says one woman gleefully) but a natural result of their impressive and astonishing intelligence.  They’ve been educated out of reproduction, because you know, only dumb twats who didn’t finish high school could possibly find motherhood fulfilling.

Unsurprisingly, few of these women are able to maintain relationships with adult partners, either.  What?! Men don’t find ball-crushing career ladies appealing?  Who knew?  Of course that’s not down to the ladies being self-absorbed materialists either.  Men are sexist!  Afraid of strong women (because no mother can be strong).  Men are icky and shoes are better!  Babies are even ickier and it is a well known that fact that a closet stuffed with designer clothes and an empty although very posh flat will bring oodles of happiness, particularly later in life.  When all the other 60 year old ladies are enjoying their grandchildren, these super smart women will be… well, who knows, but I’ll bet it will be so much fun!

Marisa Peer offers a bit of a caveat to these brainy go-getters.  “One of the hardest things I have to deal with is women in their 50s who regret not having a baby,’ she says. ‘One of my clients, who had a huge hedge-fund career in the City, woke up one day and realised she hadn’t got anyone to leave this to, that when she died she had no one and it was all a bit pointless.”

Reproduction is and ought to be a conscious choice for every man and woman in a modern society.  Choosing to have a baby is choosing to accept responsibility and obligations that extend far beyond what you personally want right now at this very moment.  Having and nurturing a child is an investment in the future, yours and your child’s.  A child teaches patience, tolerance, love, compassion and kindness.  Life with a child brings the untold wonders of seeing everything again with new eyes.  The world is no longer a place when you and you alone exist.  It is suddenly filled with millions of other people, and having a child will teach you that almost all of us want the same things:  food, warmth, security, safety and world where our children are recognized and valued for who they are and not how many shoes they can stuff in a closet.

For most people, having children is a way of continuing their own unique line of genetic material.  Your face, your quirks, your strengths, your weaknesses, your talents and your gifts will combine with your husband’s and together you will create a new person that contains the best of both of you. The ladies in the Daily Mail have no interest in contributing to the human gene pool, and I say THANK GOD!  We don’t need more selfish, stupid, superficial women.  We have plenty of those already.  Let their genes die out and let’s all have a round of applause for women who not only have a maternal instinct, but who are clever enough to pass it along to the next generation.

Ladies who are too clever for babies should not have any.  Such a shame their own mothers didn’t feel the same way, no?

Lots of  love,


15 Responses to “Too clever to have children? Oh thank god. Let’s take the selfish cunt DNA out of the gene pool once and for all!”

  1. desperada57 June 18, 2013 at 18:07 #

    I agree it’s just as well that these women don’t have children. It’s good that they KNOW they’d make bad mothers. Despite the lie we’ve been told all these years – You Can Have It All – we discovered that we had to choose what was most important to us. I don’t knock career women; they’ve chosen what means most to them. I wouldn’t want our society to go backwards to where people had less control over their lives than they do today.

    I was one of those who didn’t want kids until I had one – lucky for me and my son! He has definitely made me a better person. My son is in the minority in that his natural parents are still together. It’s been really rough at times – financially in particular, but I couldn’t imagine choosing a different way.


  2. Radical Suburbanite June 18, 2013 at 21:27 #

    My husband and I talk about this all the time. We have a lot of young-ish professional friends who are opting out of parenthood in favor of prioritizing their careers. Mostly these are couples and not single women. To us it’s baffling. We can’t imagine our lives without our kids. But not everyone is cut out for parenthood and I suppose we can, at least, respect that they have a certain amount of self awareness about the whole thing. Seems lonely to me though.

    My husband’s former partner (who is now retired) and his wife never had kids. They have a massive house and nieces and nephews that they spoil rotten, but they also seem a bit aimless now that they’re retired. The partner has been babysitting his niece’s French Bulldog (she’s a Army nurse deployed in Afghanistan) and he takes the dog everywhere with him now and carries it like a baby. He dotes on the dog like the grandchildren he’ll never had. Seems like there’s a lesson in that story…


  3. Luke June 19, 2013 at 17:36 #

    Two thoughts here…

    1) These women have stated in the clearest possible way by their life choices (e.g., by actions) that they believe that what they are (genes + what they’ve done with themselves during their lives) is effectively not worthy of being continued (let alone spread). That is, they admit to fundamentally being failures.

    2) Women bearing (and raising) children is analogous to men defending a nation in wartime against invasion by serving in combat military units. They may not want to do it, and may believe that they would not do well at it. Nonetheless, if enough don’t do it, the nation falls, soon forgotten, into the slavery or mass grave its enemies would see it kicked into.


  4. Sam June 20, 2013 at 00:30 #

    After reading the don’t date single mothers blog I’m a tad confused about the gripe over women not having kids. Is it more selfish to blast out a couple groin goblins without a father or to clamp that uterus shut to avoid blasting out said groin goblins? Why is it selfish to live your life the way you want to? The only way to ‘win’ at life is creating the husband/wife, kids and a dog scenario? It’s looking like the latter of questions is the stance that you judgybitches take. But I’ll take you judgybitches over braggart articles aforementioned any day.


  5. Luke June 21, 2013 at 03:14 #

    Sam said: “Is it more selfish to blast out a couple groin goblins without a father or to clamp that uterus shut to avoid blasting out said groin goblins?”

    Short answer: yes, unless the kids are put up for adoption shortly after birth (and are white or at least north Asian). If not enough higher-than-low-class white women bear and raise children within marriage, modern civilization is quite simply impossible, and won’t exist here after a certain period of time.


  6. Isamar Carrillo (@IsamarCMasso) June 29, 2013 at 16:47 #

    I appreciate your post — and most of all, your lack of judgement on how other women choose to live their lives.
    Thank you for accepting a different set of choices! ♥


  7. Elaine Walkden June 29, 2013 at 17:32 #

    I guess I’m confused why you’d spend so much time worrying about a few women written about in a Daily Fail article. Most people I know who don’t want kids (including myself) don’t have them because they don’t want them – not because they believe they have higher intelligence, creativity or drive than everyone else.


  8. oh no June 29, 2013 at 18:27 #

    Women bearing (and raising) children is analogous to men defending a nation in wartime against invasion by serving in combat military units. They may not want to do it, and may believe that they would not do well at it. Nonetheless, if enough don’t do it, the nation falls, soon forgotten, into the slavery or mass grave its enemies would see it kicked into.

    – Stormfront is calling – they want their forced breeding program back 🙂


  9. Tom June 29, 2013 at 19:04 #


    That wasn’t a yes or no question you retard.


  10. Anna K. July 16, 2013 at 05:01 #

    Some people aren’t meant to be mothers…get the heck over it…Just because you have a reproductive system does NOT mean to are required to use it! There are PLENTY of people reproducing in fact TO MANY TO QUICKLY so you should be glad that they are not adding to the (over)population! And really “For most people, having children is a way of continuing their own unique line of genetic material.” Um yeah so what? You are more qualified to continue your genetic line then everyone else? And you think that they are selfish?

    And if having nice things makes them happy then that’s what makes me them happy…Saying that their life is without meaning only re-enforces the stereotype that all women are good for is being breeders…Many people live rich and fulfilling lives without *gasp* having kids or getting married…Many give their love and compassion to animals instead…why is that so bad?

    If a couple snobby woman say the reason they don’t have kids is because they are to “clever” then so what? as Elaine said “Most people I know who don’t want kids (including myself) don’t have them because they don’t want them – not because they believe they have higher intelligence, creativity or drive than everyone else”


  11. Cheryl September 3, 2013 at 20:08 #

    You don’t have children just because you can. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.


  12. HG October 2, 2013 at 16:14 #

    On the contrary I think I would be an excellent mother, I just don’t feel maternal. I’m not putting my career first (though I have an ok one), I just don’t know if I want a child. My siblings have children and I love my nieces and nephews but I have not had that ‘all I want is a baby’ urge that they apparently had. Plus my partner works away which would effectively make me a single mum for long periods of time. Plus there are too many humans on the planet anyway… I wonder if I will be lonely when I’m older but is that the right reason to bring a child into the world- to keep me company? I am now in my early 30s and the pressure I am putting on myself to make a decision is immense (my husband doesn’t really want a child but will support me if I do). I do not want to have regrets but also do not know how to decide- do i wait until I feel the ‘urge’? What if it never comes? I truly think we would be great parents, I just don’t feel maternal. That does not make me selfish or any of the other nasty judgmental accusations that you have labelled me with without even knowing me.


  13. Pat July 15, 2014 at 07:54 #

    Agreed on the fact that people don’t NEED to reproduce.
    However, it can’t be discounted that the feeling of having someone to care for, whom you’ve nursed for months, then years, who can experience what you do, see what you see, and pass it all on as a proud daughter/son, is something special.
    I’d also like to mention that, human company is quite different from an animal’s? It’s doubtful that a mother would save her loyal pet rather than her child in a life-or-death situation.
    It’s just a unique connection among our fellow kin that is difficult to replace. That being said, reproducing is NOT the only way to reach fulfillment. Rather, it is an experience that everyone can and deserve to have.
    If their choice is to do the alternative, whatever, pets are cool (hard to have conversations with, but they love like humans do). Adoption is cool. Being single is cool. It is a person’s choice to gain what fulfillment they want without being pressured by others to do otherwise.
    We can always share our experiences however, and respect someone’s decisions.
    Saying any life is without meaning, is ridiculous. We all want different things, and in the end, having a child is hard work. But it pays off later, especially when getting older, I’d say.


  14. Pat July 15, 2014 at 07:56 #

    Agreed on the fact that people don’t NEED to reproduce.
    However, it can’t be discounted that the feeling of having someone to care for, whom you’ve nursed for months, then years, who can experience what you do, see what you see, and pass it all on as a proud daughter/son, is something special.
    I’d also like to mention that, human company is quite different from an animal’s? It’s doubtful that a mother would save her loyal pet rather than her child in a life-or-death situation.
    It’s just a unique connection among our fellow kin that is difficult to replace. That being said, reproducing is NOT the only way to reach fulfillment. Rather, it is an experience that everyone can and deserve to have.
    If their choice is to do the alternative, whatever, pets are cool (hard to have conversations with, but they love like humans do). Adoption is cool. Being single is cool. It is a person’s choice to gain what fulfillment they want without being pressured by others to do otherwise.
    We can always share our experiences however, and respect someone’s decisions.
    Saying any life is without meaning, is ridiculous. We all want different things, and in the end, having a child is hard work. But it pays off later, especially when getting older, I’d say.


  15. Jordana October 27, 2014 at 01:48 #

    I agree that women saying they’re too smart to have kids is incredibly obnoxious. However, there are plenty of mean-spirited, malicious women (and men) who have children, so I wouldn’t count on the “selfish C” gene dying out any time soon. Let’s be real here.


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