Attention men struggling with mental illness: man up you whiny suckholes!

22 Dec


Oh, Hugo, you’ve really outdone your bootlicking little self this time.  Have the girls let you in the clubhouse yet?  No?  Seriously, Hugo, you need to find some boys to play with.  In a resoundingly depressing, and disgustingly opportunistic piece at Jezebel, Hugo links the sad shootings of children to one of the ugliest portraits of young men you’ll read in the media this year.

So according to Hugo, there is a problem in America with young white men getting the shaft and falling drastically behind in achievement and status when compared to their female counterparts.  Score one for NO SHIT SHERLOCK.  The problem is NOT that an entire generation of young men are being chucked under the ideological bus, but rather that they are REACTING to this treatment by picking up guns and shooting children.  Because, hey, that’s what men do, right?

So much *facepalm*. Let’s talk about the accusation that it is WHITE men in particular who are prone to pick up guns and shoot people in mass killings.  The question is not “is the shooter white”, but what PROPORTION of mass killings are carried out by white men relative to their presence in the general population?  Seems like the folks at Virginia Tech might know something about WHITE men going nuts and shooting up innocent bystanders, as long as by WHITE, you mean KOREAN.  There are some other folks in DC that lived through a round of snipers who also might contest the fact that mass murderers are lonely white guys.

Why the race-baiting?  Well, men of color have LEGITIMATE reasons to complain that their chances in life might be blighted by the circumstances of their birth (80% to single mothers), their economic status (poor), an educational system geared to ensure they fail, a culture that reviles them and a justice system that is more willing to detain them for years for crimes other folks get away with.  And those ARE legitimate complaints.  To be clear, I am not making EXCUSES for criminality amongst any group, but I am suggesting life circumstances offer some sort of EXPLANATION.  It is still up to every adult to take responsibility for their own actions, full stop.

Hugo’s article is designed to cast white men as whiny suckholes who can’t man up to circumstances, and who have NO LEGITIMATE complaints to make.  He goes even further, suggesting that young white men are not just angry about a school system designed to fail them, the complete demonization of masculinity and manhood and the annihilation of employment prospects for men in particular, but they are specifically angry at WOMEN who benefit from the New World Order.  And you know what, probably a lot of them ARE.  For bloody good reason.

Here’s where Hugo outdoes himself:  he cites an article that claims as long as we continue to fuck over young men, we will continue to have mass killings of children and other innocent bystanders – indeed, those sorts of killings should INCREASE because patriarchy.  Also masculinity.

Think about that.  According to Hugo, picking up an automatic weapon loaded with flesh shattering bullets and killing six year olds is part of what makes you a MAN.  As long as you are going to define yourself as MANLY, you will have to accept that you are willing and able to shoot children.

Hugo is deliberately perpetuating the most destructive portrait of masculinity that he can, in order to justify why he rejects it so resoundingly and to ingratiate himself with a movement that despises men while claiming to love them.  Hugo doesn’t consider himself particularly manly, therefore he is exempt from his horrifying concept of what constitutes masculinity.  He acknowledges that men are getting a shitty deal in the current climate and then insists that the only response open to them is to pick up a gun and shoot children.

Because according to Hugo, that is what masculinity IS.  The Sandy Hook shooter was not a mentally disturbed person with a severe personality disorder, raised by a wingnut Armageddonist mother who provided him with wickedly effective weapons and ammunition, raised in broken family with a father he hadn’t seen in years – no, none of that mattered.  He wasn’t in desperate need of psychological help, he was just a MAN and killing children in a brutal bloodbath is simply what men DO.

The willful ugliness of Hugo’s concept of what men are and what they do is not just outrageous, it’s profoundly, disturbingly sad.  Inside his insistence that men are angry, unstable violent brutes hides a wretched reality:  men who ARE struggling with mental health issues, who DO have unresolved, deeply troubling feelings and thoughts are told that there is no help for them.  There is nothing they can do to assuage the loneliness and pain and despair of their lives.  Indeed, if they reach out for help, they are just whiny assholes who can’t handle the END OF MEN and the rise of women.

The Christmas season is almost upon us, and across every western, feminized country, there will be countless thousands of men who will sit out the day alone, deprived of their children and families, grappling with isolation and desolation.  The vast, sweeping majority of them will face their demons alone, swallow their anger and hate and the injustice of their lives, try to hang on and hope for the future and carry the faces of their children in their hearts.

They will find the courage and strength and stamina to carry on.  To persevere, to face the future unafraid, to remain the Captain of their own souls.  And for men who find that the burden is too much to bear, that your strength has failed you, that you cannot go on, ignore hateful assholes like Hugo.  There IS help, and there is nothing unmanly about asking for it.  A man who staggers is still a man.  And somewhere, there is a shoulder for you to lean on until your strength is back.

In Australia:

In Canada:

In the UK:

In the United States:

Courage, strength, stamina, perseverance and always, always love for your children.  For children everywhere.  That is a man.

Lots of love,


15 Responses to “Attention men struggling with mental illness: man up you whiny suckholes!”

  1. driversuz December 22, 2012 at 18:06 #



  2. ar10308 December 22, 2012 at 18:36 #

    The fact of the matter is that the Progressive shitstains of this country refuse to face the actual facts. And that is because America has higher violent crime rates because of the American black culture.


  3. judgybitch December 22, 2012 at 18:45 #

    OK, but you know that the problem is the result of deeply ingrained poverty, right? Any group subjected to multi-generational poverty and fractured family structures will have high rates of violence.

    It used to be Irish who were the problem. Fast forward a few hundred years and a new group is being treated appallingly and responding predictably.

    Poverty is the problem. Not skin color.

    The solution is not just to hand out cash, unfortunately. That tends to make the problem worse, not better.


  4. Odysseus December 22, 2012 at 20:47 #

    Hugo seems to be projecting his own issues and inner fears onto everyone else, a difficult fallacy to avoid even if someone acknowledges it as a possibility. He might well fear what he himself would do with a firearm when life inevitably handed him a setback.

    I admit I am a man who puts on a gun in the morning like many people put on their glasses or pocket their cell phone. It is one of my sincerest wishes in life that I never have need of it, because it is firmly lodged in my mind, only as a tool to defend my family or myself from deadly peril. Avoiding deadly peril altogether would be preferable.

    I know many people would strenuously disagree with my choice in this matter, and I’m sure Hugo would have all sorts of things to say on it. All I can do is pull a quote from Luther, “Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise.”


  5. judgybitch December 22, 2012 at 20:57 #

    Your gun is to defend yourself, your family, your children. While the efficacy of that might be up for debate, the central idea remains: as a man your instinct is to PROTECT, not destroy.

    That’s what I object to so strongly – that Hugo equates men’s natural insticts to protect (especially children) with the impulse to murder, born of severe, untreated mental illness.

    It’s as if he’s saying MAN = mentally ill.

    And Hugo very nearly did murder his girlfriend, so you might be onto something.


  6. culdesachero December 23, 2012 at 02:30 #

    Good ol’ Hugo is here to let every man know that he just has to swallow his pride and hand his genitals over to the nearest woman and ask her to teach him how to live in this world. Wow, what a valiant gentleman.

    Give up the fight. It’s over and the ladies won. Don’t be a sore loser.

    I read that horrible, snarky piece and thought to myself, only someone who has never played sports could ever taunt people like that. I’ve heard it from women who don’t understand what it’s like to win or lose a hard-fought, meaningful game. Until you’ve been soundly beaten, you don’t understand why you need to be reasonably humble in victory.

    Sure enough, Hugo admits he was never interested in sports, but he’s not afraid to comment on them as if he knows something.

    Wampole’s not just talking about the Adam Lanzas of the world, but about an entire generation of young men who need our immediate comforting.

    I’m dumbfounded that someone could write off the depression and anger with so little regard. This from a so-called feminist who is in touch with his feelings.


  7. judgybitch December 23, 2012 at 02:50 #

    The callousness is astonishing. I look at my little boy and think “how”? What the fuck?!

    He’s so beautiful and sweet and some French professor thinks he’s a murderer waiting to happen because XY chromosome.

    In actuality, he’s much more likely to take a bullet for HER, because XY chromosome. Poor LittleDude. Poor guy.

    To be hated for being himself. Makes me weep, Culdesachero. Makes me weep.


  8. M3 December 23, 2012 at 06:26 #

    Hugo still has any shred of credibility? News to me 🙂

    Excellent writing as always JB. lots of love and merry Christmas!


  9. judgybitch December 23, 2012 at 13:34 #

    You too, M3.

    And thanks!


  10. Emma the Emo December 23, 2012 at 15:08 #

    Didn’t Hugo almost do a murder-suicide thing himself?


  11. judgybitch December 23, 2012 at 15:10 #

    I think so. Back when he was a junkie screwing his grad students.

    Can’t believe he gets past the girly gates. He wouldn’t make it past mine!


  12. gregariouswolf December 23, 2012 at 16:59 #

    “A few good men or husky 12 year-old boys could have stopped Adam Lanza’s bullets, Allen claimed (to widespread ridicule), but alas, those magical male bullet-catching bodies weren’t around.”

    I think Hugo steps in his own excrement with the “a few good men” comment. Had there actually been some U.S. Marines in the school, Lanza would have been stopped. We do not deploy military units for the purpose of domestic law enforcement. A few off duty police officers might have made the difference, too.

    Hugo then says this:

    “There were male staff members on the Sandy Hook campus, including a custodian who ran down the halls making sure doors were locked.”

    Janitors are not trained or equipped to deal to armed assailants. Jeers to Hugo for minimizing the bravery of this man who, during an armed attack on the school, risked his own life to secure doors and protect students, just as he was trained to do by school district emergency response procedures.

    This has to be one of the most self-serving bloviations I’ve read related to the Sandy Hook massacre. I thought using the tragedy for advancing “gun control” or “God in schools” was bad enough.


  13. judgybitch December 23, 2012 at 17:35 #

    Yeah, that little shot at blue collar workers kinda pissed me off.


  14. Erudite Knight December 24, 2012 at 22:38 #

    I am glad you are slamming that fool, I have to wonder about what makes a male that much of a traitor to his sex. It is aggravating.


  15. combs2jc December 26, 2012 at 21:20 #

    I am going to address Connecticutt to my readers in Jan ’13 (I was going to try and weasle out but several of my readers have e-mailed me wanting to know my thoughts on it and when my article will be out on Conn.) When I do publish that article i am going to reblog this article for my readers to see also. Thanks JB.


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