The problem with Wendy Davis is not that she’s a terrible mother, a gold-digging, possibly violent, drug taking tramp who used her husband as an ATM machine – the problem is that she’s a liar. Why not own your Amazon Grrl Power Stick it to the Man Feminazi shit, Wendy?

23 Jan




Well, well, well, the media is going to town on Democratic nominee for Texas Governor Wendy Davis for some “inconsistencies” in her heroic, single mother, pulled up by the bootstraps narrative. Wendy, who considers herself the epitome of American gung-ho-ism, just get ‘er done survivalist womanhood has perhaps misrepresented herself just a teeny tiny bit.


Struggling, strong independent single mother? Well, she did pop out two kids from two different men, but that’s pretty much where the “mother” story ends. She left her first husband when she was 19 (the divorce was finalized when she was 21) and then immediately enrolled in college and worked at her Daddy’s sandwich shop, where she met Husband 2.0, who just happened to be older and richer than Husband 1.0.


That’s fine. Whatever. I don’t care. But how is she mothering while going to school, taking top place in her class, slinging hash for daddy and nailing down her sugar daddy at the same time?


There’s no mothering going on here at all. Sarah Palin, another mama Governor was famous for dragging her cabal of kids everywhere she went, and even caught shit for the expenses that entailed, but Palin can rightly claim that she was governing and mothering at the same time.


Wendy? Not so much. When the opportunity arose for her to go to Harvard Law on 2.0’s dime, she dumped the 8 year old from 1.0 and the 2 year old she had to secure the resources of 2.0 and off she went.


Again, whatever. Wendy isn’t the first spouse to abandon her children for a shiny opportunity elsewhere. It makes her a shitty person, in my opinion, but hardly disqualifies her as a gubernatorial candidate. At least her children were in the care of 2.0 and not left with some underpaid nanny.


Unsurprisingly, the marriage to 2.0 broke down, possibly due to the fact that Wendy is a lying, cheating bitch but maybe not, and a restraining order was issued against her warning her not to use drugs or profanity around the little ‘uns. Quite possibly that was just standard operating procedure Texas style, but maybe not. Wendy was ordered to pay $1200 a month in child support, which is fair enough. Naturally, she was under no obligation to repay 2.0 for the hundreds of thousands of dollars he spent putting her through Harvard Law while she partied naked with men not her husband. 2.0 bled out his 401(k) for honey-bunny, but it was his choice and he gets to live with it.


Again, who cares? Wendy is hardly the first woman to line men up, bleed them out and chuck them to the curb. It’s kind of cute that Wendy moved out the day after 2.0 paid off the last of her student loans, but maybe that was just a case of poor timing?


The fact that Wendy is a shitty mother with two failed marriages under her belt and colleagues who consider her “ambitious” – a woman who is not gonna let a little thing like being a responsible parent get in the way of her dreams – is really not relevant to her run at the Governor’s mansion. Lots of epic assholes have been elected to government offices and have managed to do the job they were elected to do, despite their personal shortcomings. Hell, I seem to recall one guy who let an enthusiastic intern blow him under his desk and he still managed to leave office with every column in the black.


Not bad.


The real issue here is that rather than gather up her barbed wire skirts and proudly own the fact that she put her career ahead of everything and everyone else – she leaned right in – Wendy is spinning a story that is an insult to true hardworking single parents and people everywhere.


Look at me, folks! I took care of my kids, went to school, made top of the class, went to Harvard and did it all on my own! You can, too! All it takes is a little elbow grease and some chutzpah! It’s the American Dream! I’m living it and if you aren’t, well that’s your own damn fault, isn’t it?


That’s the essence of what Wendy is saying. She is using her past as a platform to demonstrate what she will be capable of as a leader. Strong! Proud! Determined! Dogged! Devoted! Independent!


Except bullshit!


Wendy is none of those things.


She didn’t raise her children. She gave birth to them. Her motherhood was purely biological. Husband 2.0 raised those kids. Why not celebrate that? Look, ladies, you too can form a partnership with a man in which he cares for the children while you scrabble up the ladder!


Own your shit, Wendy.


Two failed marriages? Why not celebrate that? Look ladies, never let a man get in the way of your success! We’re fish, they’re bicycles, fuck ‘em all!


Like that narrative wouldn’t sell? Of course it would.


Leave your husband the day after he pays off your Harvard loans? Again, spin it out, Wendy! Ladies, never feel obliged to a man when he has made a choice to support you! It’s his choice and you owe him nothing! Don’t let guilt control your decisions!


If Wendy pranced on the national stage proud of her accomplishments, and was completely open and honest about how she achieved them, I would still think she was an awful person, but I would give her points for being honest.


Instead, she has obfuscated, omitted and outright lied.


That tells me Wendy is ashamed of her past. She knows it’s something to hide. She knows the truth about herself is kind of ugly and awful and mean.


And if Wendy thinks she’s awful, then why the hell shouldn’t everyone else?


The world is full of awful people. No mystery there. What we should care about is honesty. Tell the truth about your life – we are not children and we understand you will attempt to spin your life so it doesn’t sound quite so awful, but the truth will still be visible.


Yes, I let my husband raise our children.

Yes, I let my husband pay for my school and then divorced him the day after the loans were finally paid.

Yes, I refuse to let anything get in the way of my ambition.


Don’t pretend to be something you are not. Because if you are not proud of yourself, why should we be?


And why should we trust someone who is afraid to be honest about who she is?


No one likes a liar.


No one votes for one either.


Lots of love,





28 Responses to “The problem with Wendy Davis is not that she’s a terrible mother, a gold-digging, possibly violent, drug taking tramp who used her husband as an ATM machine – the problem is that she’s a liar. Why not own your Amazon Grrl Power Stick it to the Man Feminazi shit, Wendy?”

  1. Eric January 23, 2014 at 16:00 #

    Asked and delivered. Thanks, JB.

    “No one likes a liar. No one votes for one either.”

    I would go a step further and say she’s exhibiting sociopathic traits, which if she’s elected, is an open door to corruption and bad faith in office.

    Does this remind you of Davis? “Confessions of a Sociopath” by M.E. Thomas

    Davis is acting like a con artist who’s been exposed. Relating to a type of con artist I’ve dealt with in person, her aggressive defense to being called out is similar to stolen-honor fake veterans who’ve even gone so far as to sue to defend their right to represent themselves falsely as war heroes.

    The shame of it is Davis should have had a feel-good story of both ambition realized and good men supporting her to achieve her dreams, if not for her utter self-centered, even sociopathic, orientation.


  2. JG January 23, 2014 at 16:03 #

    Good article, but.. unfortunately we vote for liars all the time. Sometimes even deliberately. I’m not pointing out a particular politician or party, they all lie.


  3. Eric January 23, 2014 at 16:04 #

    Add: Are you a baseball fan? If so, also notable are the similarities of Wendy Davis’s defensive response to Alex Rodriguez’s defensive response. Hm. Maybe it’s not only sociopathic; maybe it’s a PR industry standard response, too.


  4. dianaxmo January 23, 2014 at 16:10 #

    Thanks so much for writing this piece. These were exactly the questions I had about her when I heard the “determined single mother” narrative.


  5. Fred Flange, punning pundit January 23, 2014 at 16:26 #

    I’ll tell you the one thing Wendy Davis really does need to get out front of to have a chance. This comes from someone who’s worked elections and knows what story sticks and what doesn’t.

    In general, the “morality” ship has sailed so a candidate’s marital or indiscretion history is not going to be the vote-killer it once was. The GOP was fine with re-electing to Congress lying adulterer Mark Sanford, and re-elected hooker john Sen. David Vitter, who will probably be the next governor of Louisiana. So if those guys are okey-dokey then Wendy is no worse, except they don’t like the politics. (Anthony Weiner was disqualified for NY mayor not so much for a dick pic as that he couldn’t stop with the dick pics and sexts, it became comic).

    But I think the issue that will stick and could cripple her later is the bit about divorcing guy #1 after he paid her way. That’s the kind of “hey that’s not fair” perception that can eat at the people you’re trying to persuade. If your stated position is that husbands are dicks who can be dumped at will, then some of those husbands and men in general might not be inclined to go along. And she needs at least some of those to win; the women’s vote alone will not carry her. (And oh yeah I suspect some progressive women might find that part distasteful too). Wendy will have to pull off a difficult stunt like getting hubby #1 up on the podium with her, she does some kinda apology and they agree she’d make a great governor! Didn’t say it would be easy – or even do-able – but she has to get out front of it and neutralize it.


  6. Laguna Beach Fogey January 23, 2014 at 16:34 #

    Sounds as if she’s eminently qualified for office, modern American politics being what it is.


  7. Eric January 23, 2014 at 18:11 #

    If I’m not mistaken, you’re describing the Senator Blumenthal defense strategy for the exposure of his false – or “misspoken” – statements that he served “in Vietnam” as a Marines reservist.


  8. rebar January 23, 2014 at 22:15 #

    Everyone should be cautious and suspicious of a person who can combine a urinary catheter and abortion into a national cause.

    Clear indication of a sick mind.


  9. lelnet January 23, 2014 at 22:27 #

    He made the horrific mistake of marrying her, and all it cost to get rid of her was the price of a Harvard Law degree? Plus he gets to keep the kids?

    Dude got off EASY. I mean, I’m not saying the cost of her education was an amount _I_ could afford to pay, but obviously he could, seeing as how he did. And then, once he was done paying, he was DONE with her. That’s a downright miraculous outcome, for him.

    I mean hell, if I found myself married to Abortion Barbie there, I’d mortgage my SOUL to get out of it.


  10. judgybitch January 23, 2014 at 22:30 #



    Great comment!


  11. jjrockmale January 24, 2014 at 00:00 #

    No one likes a liar.

    No one votes for one either.

    You could not be more wrong. Which honest person is there in Washington? I don’t honestly recall one. They all look like liars to me.


  12. chefyc January 24, 2014 at 06:42 #

    Reblogueó esto en Los españoles se merecen saberlo, por la Paz y la verdadera Igualdad en España!y comentado:
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  13. Mike from the Pioneer Valley January 24, 2014 at 12:26 #

    Given that Ms. Davis is a standing legislator in a state where electoral politics are no holds barred, it seems unlikely this news is going to be too wounding inside Texas. This may seem like a bigger deal to people who don’t know Texas or its politics—or its possibly more freewheeling attitude toward marriage and divorce.


  14. Disgusted Old White Guy January 24, 2014 at 16:30 #

    “No one likes a liar.
    No one votes for one either.”

    You contradict yourself with your example of Bill Clinton. Not only a grotesquely compulsive liar, but a perjurer, and (probably) a rapist , and yet he got elected to various offices over and over again.

    “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.” – I have seen the quote attributed to either Barnum or Mencken


  15. redpillsetmefree January 25, 2014 at 00:38 #

    Lean In to become a movie:


  16. RobertW January 26, 2014 at 03:31 #

    I do have to disagree with the part about people not voting for a liar. The fact that Obama is president proves that they will. They just have to tell the lies that people want to hear, even if the people know they are lying.


  17. Eric January 26, 2014 at 17:04 #

    “They just have to tell the lies that people want to hear, even if the people know they are lying.”

    That’s it.

    I, as others, have had the disillusioning experience of patiently breaking down a fallacious rationale, and then that person basically shrugs and says something like that’s my view because that’s my view, and I don’t care to know otherwise. Then the next time, if there is a next time, the same topic comes up in conversation, he’ll repeat the fallacious rationale enthusiastically as though the previous discussion never took place.


  18. The Beat Man January 27, 2014 at 14:16 #

    Reblogged this on Life in Anglo-America.


  19. Spaniard January 27, 2014 at 16:05 #

    The bitch is a milf… and Democrat.
    I would vote her.


  20. feeriker January 29, 2014 at 06:18 #

    No one likes a liar. 

    No one votes for one either.

    That was intended to be tongue in cheek, right?

    The guy you mentioned who got blown by an intern hiding underneath his desk comes to mind here.


  21. feeriker January 29, 2014 at 06:27 #

    Sounds as if she’s eminently qualified for office, modern American politics being what it is.

    Amerika in general, and Texass in particular, both deserve the likes of her.


  22. tattooron67 January 29, 2014 at 11:56 #

    My life is fucked up if i helped you plan it do ya wanna ruin my life and put me in prison. Prolly not but thought i would offer since you want to ruin a man i almost got ruined not long ago but she backed out.


  23. Joe Blough January 29, 2014 at 15:40 #

    Pastor Manning weighs in on this:


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  25. Bo Smith September 10, 2014 at 13:27 #


    Awesome article – shows most Americans why we hate Tea Party Patriots. Some really sick ranting here. Full of “I dont care” but you seemed to almost be a Wendy stalker.

    Well, go take your meds, eat some more Cheetos as you get on the treadmill and try to slim down to 400 pounds.

    Ask yourself, “What would Jesus do” – he’d commit you to a facility for the mentally disturbed!



  1. The weekly admin and links post. | Dark Brightness - January 26, 2014

    […] The world is full of awful people. No mystery there. What we should care about is honesty. Tell the truth about your life – we are not children and we understand you will attempt to spin your life so it doesn’t sound quite so awful, but the truth will still be visible. […]


  2. the Revision Division - January 26, 2014

    […] JANET BLOOMFIELD: The problem with Wendy Davis is not that she’s a terrible mother, a gold-digging, possibly violent… […]


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