I am now officially sick of rape culture bullshit

30 Apr



Belle Knox, Duke Porn Star, sex-positive feminist and activist for sex workers has some thoughts on rape culture.  They’re stupid.  Big surprise.


I was at a friend’s house when the topic of college rape arose. I mentioned that I knew of someone who had been accused and prosecuted for sexual assault. My friend was quick to jump in and say, “Oh, I’m sure he didn’t rape anyone. The girl probably was drunk and regretted it in the morning. It happens all the time.”


How about instead of parroting the usual ideological bullshit which has been so thoroughly debunked that even RAINN is distancing itself from the words “rape culture”, how about instead of doing that, you actually listen to these women, who are supposedly your friends, and find out how they know this information?  Why don’t you begin with the assumption that these young women are not in fact emotionally immature simpletons incapable of a single original thought or observation of their own?


Try respecting women, especially the ones you call friends.


“Yeah!” my other friend chimed in, “That happens a lot. Like girls dressing all slutty then getting drunk at frat parties…”


Again, how do they know this?  Have they been to a lot of frat parties?  Are they familiar with how women act?  Do they have first hand experience observing this exact phenomenon play out? Have they had the experience themselves?


How is it that rape culture zealots can, on one hand, insist that any woman who reports a sexual assault must be believed with no questions asked, but women who appear to have some knowledge of false accusations of rape are to be shouted down and not believed for one second?  Do you trust young women to give honest accounts of their own experiences, or do you not?  Or is the case that you only choose to believe what matches your pre-conceived ideas?


Did I mention that both of my friends are 19-year-old women?

So adults then.  Glad we can agree on that.


In a few sentences, my friends had epitomized slut and victim shaming. In that moment, I felt enraged that my female friends had perpetuated rape culture.


Or, you know, they critiqued it in a way not consistent with your particular ideological stance, which is apparently forbidden? Refusing to toe the party line makes them stupid and incapable of understanding?

I also felt sad. Sad for every victim who has been or ever will be doubted because of the mainstream ideas surrounding sexual assault. When we allow ideas like this to be accepted, we only isolate the true victims and discourage them from reporting.

Look carefully there.  You have two victims: those who are doubted and the true victims.  You yourself appear not quite able to accept the mass cognitive dissonance that comes with accepting all claims of rape at face value and refusing all observations that suggest for a lot of cases there is some grounds for doubt. Even when those observations come from other members of your cohort.  Even when those observations come from your friends.


It makes me sad to know that if I were to ever become a victim of sexual assault, I likely would not be believed. And for the record: statistical studies indicate false reports make up two percent or less of the reported cases of sexual assault. (Roger Williams University, 2012)

Well, I suppose that depends, doesn’t it?  Are you a true victim or not?  The occurrence of false allegations is by no means as cut and dried as you would like it to be, which you already know. But you know, even if it were as low as you suggest, that would not matter.  The point is that false allegations of rape are not handled in a way that suggests the gravity of that accusation.  They are simply laughed away.


Our culture of victim shaming is present in subtle ways. During O-Week, I was constantly reminded to watch my drink and only walk in groups. Don’t get me wrong; these are practical tips. But essentially, they tell women that they can behave in a certain way to avoid being victimized.

Every adult person can behave in certain ways to avoid being victimized.  Why is rape such a special crime?  There are things every adult can do to avoid being mugged, which we heartily encourage, and no one for one second thinks we are victim-blaming.

Rape is a terrible crime.  But it’s not special. Sorry snowflake.

But, why don’t we tell men similar things? Why aren’t there anti-rape campaigns targeting women? Why don’t we focus on telling men not to rape, instead of telling women how to not get raped?

Because generally speaking, men don’t rape.  Rapists rape.  New information suggests there are a who lot of lady rapists out there too, but we don’t for a moment believe we need to teach all women not to rape.  Or murder their infants.  Or any other heinous crime committed by a small percentage of a large population.


I propose that we educate men about what constitutes rape. In North Carolina, having sex with someone who is legally drunk is considered rape.


Which means that if you have sex with a drunk man, you just raped him.  Perhaps you need to start your campaign teaching women that equality under the law means the laws apply to both men and snowflakes.


This is a stupid law, by the way.  Why in the hell do you want the justice system in your bedroom deciding whether you’ve had too many Cosmopolitans to have sex with your boyfriend?


Perhaps we should make it a focus during O Week [editor’s note: orientation week] to educate our students about the laws of consent, so that no one may ever revert to Robin Thicke’s mantra of “Blurred Lines.”


How about we teach young women the same thing? That hot guy who previously did not give you a second glance?  The one with beer goggles who now can’t quite make out that you are not his type?  Yeah, that one?  He won’t rape you no matter how much he has to drink.  There is no relationship between sexual aggression and alcohol intake. 


beer goggles


But you sure as hell can rape him.  Take advantage of beer goggles and you are committing rape.  You are a rapist.


How about we teach young men that when a woman says stop, they stop? Or that if a woman (or man) is drunk or unconscious, they should help them, instead of taking advantage of them?

How about we teach young women the same damn thing? An erection is not a sign of consent. A drunk guy is off limits. I’m not sure if you’re just grammatically confused, but your “they” refers to young men exclusively.  Why aren’t women under any obligation to help drunk men and women?


Our society needs a paradigm shift as it relates to our sexual assault prevention efforts. How about we stop teaching women how to not be a victim and instead attack the culture that creates the perpetrators instead?

How about we go even further:  teach everyone not to be a victim, acknowledge that there are likely just as many female perps as male and if we can all stop for ten seconds and act like responsible goddamn adults, none of this is an issue.


I dream of a day when my daughter can walk down the street without the fear of being assaulted.

Hyperbolic bullshit.  Try and at least be consistent.  Most “rapes” are committed by individuals known to the victim and do not occur while walking down the street. This is simple fear-mongering.  Better send your daughter out with a survival kit, too in case an errant tornado touches down.  It can happen!


And yes, I think that I should be able to wear whatever the hell I want without being labeled as a slut.

Oh, no doubt you do.  And I ‘m sure you would not be at all offended by a man walking down the street in yoga pants so tight you can get an accurate sperm count from half a block away.


This idea that men cannot control their impulses is archaic and offensive.

And here is where the real heart of the story lies. Go back and reconsider what your friends told you:  it is not men at all who have troubling controlling their impulses.


Alcohol + lowered inhibitions + slutty clothes + social events = women having sex they regret

It is not men getting trashed and having sex and waking up the next day looking around for someone to blame, despite the fact that lots and lots of men have sex under conditions that absolutely constitute rape.


You toss out Blurred Lines, but appear not to have actually listened to the song.  It’s the girl who is sexually aggressive.  Do you realize that?   She grabs him.  He takes that as indication of desire.  Then he lets her decide what to do next.  He makes his willingness clear, and hates that hers is not, but does nothing more than issue an invitation for her to “get at me”.

I hate these blurred lines

I know you want it

I know you want it

I know you want it

But you’re a good girl

The way you grab me

Must wanna get nasty

Go ahead, get at me

And that right there is the problem.  Survey men about their sexual pasts and you will find ample evidence that rape occurs with as much frequency as female reported rape.  Here’s a particularly charming story about a female rapist, in which she appears to have zero awareness that she actually committed was probably a fairly traumatic rape:


Mary, 26, who makes the walk about every two weeks, describes her first experience as the epitome of post-hookup embarrassment. “It was New Year’s Eve,” she says, “and ignoring the fact that I was on the heaviest day of my period and had hairy legs, I basically forced myself on a guy I hated because he was the only single male at the party.” She woke up disoriented, wearing a g-string/tampon string combination.


period sex


Eww. I wonder how the guy feels about that one? My guess would be he has taken a stern vow not to let himself be talked into a situation like that ever again.

And while there are likely some men who are deeply affected by those kinds of experiences, most seem to understand the role they played in their own victimization and they get over it and move the fuck on.

Because that’s what accountability means.  That is what agency means.  That is what being an adult means.



So Belle, do us all a favor and stop peddling this ridiculous story that women are not to be trusted or believed when they report observations that don’t match up with your ideological axe.  Stop reciting this insane litany about only men being rapists and how women are never responsible for their own safety and well-being.  Quit with this “women are basically children and men should be punished for women’s bad behavior” paternalism. We’re all sick of it.


Rape culture will end when women do one thing:


Grow up.


You seem to be enjoying your fame and notoriety, Belle.  Why don’t you do some good for a change and be the first one to try?


Come on snowflake.


You can do it.


Grow the fuck up.


Lots of love,








66 Responses to “I am now officially sick of rape culture bullshit”

  1. FreetoFire April 30, 2014 at 15:05 #

    Long time lurker. First time commenter. Lurve your blog.

    The first time I hooked up in college, the girl was half again as intoxicated as I was, it seemed. She was to one to pull me into the bedroom and throw me onto the bed and herself onto me.

    To be fair, I was perfectly willing. I honestly had no idea what we were going to the bedroom for UNTIL she was kissing me.

    What really annoys me about feminism is that women don’t seem to see how much it treats them like little children. Give a girl sensible advice about walking in groups or guarding their drink? Nope, feminism says women should be free from having to take an active stance in their safety. Oh, but teh mens should be guarding their arrant rape-privilege lest they decide that “I’ve never raped anyone ever, but she looks sooooo pretty that I just can’t help myself.”

    I remember my college orientation, and it was full of the usual “men are evil/rapists/sex fiends ect. My point is I felt very uncomfortable being a man at college. And now I’m going back to school to get my BSN. Guess I didn’t learn my lesson.

    So myself and many other guys are seeing this, as well as the lawsuits, what a false accusation can do to your image, and divorces (down the line) and deciding to swear off women/marriage and now we’re being told to “man up” and marry a used up college girl. They just can’t leave us along. Because those “strong independant women” grow up and think to themselves “I want a baby, but I don’t want to work while he’s in daycare so I need a maaaaaaan. I said I neeeeeeed a maaaaaan! Where have all the good men gone? waaaaaah!”

    I wish women could see that feminism sets them up to be the strongest and most independant cat lady around.


  2. Dago April 30, 2014 at 15:27 #

    Excellent. Thank you!!!


  3. JBfan April 30, 2014 at 15:39 #

    Another fool who cannot understand: rapists are bad individuals with maliciousness aforethought. You can claim ‘all men are rapists’ all you like and say ‘DON’T rape’ or ‘Don’t forget to not rape’ (one of the most shamefully stupid/offensive slogans I have ever heard) but you can bet your bottom dollar that your conscienceless scumbags are NOT going to give diddly squat about your so-called ‘protests’.

    Fact: there will always be bad people out there ready and willing to harm the innocent in various ways and there’s nothing one can do about it. You’re right, JB.


  4. judgybitch April 30, 2014 at 15:40 #

    And some of those people are having a heavy flow day and didn’t shave their legs.


  5. Jim April 30, 2014 at 15:47 #

    “I dream of a day when my daughter can walk down the street without the fear of being assaulted. ”

    Is anyone else besides me laughing at this kind of stupidity? Well little snowflake, you’re expecting some kind of utopia where it’s perfectly safe at all times? NOT going to happen. Welcome to planet Earth. Everyone, both men and women alike, take a risk just by walking out your day every day. It’s always been that and always will be.

    These ideological crusades to “rid the world of sexism” or “rid the world of racism” or “rid the world of terrorism” or “rid the world of drugs” is so beyond stupid that it shocks me that people still buy into this BS. It’s made this country more totalitarian than ever before.

    Fucking idiots.


  6. Jim April 30, 2014 at 17:03 #

    I disagree with Janet, Paul Elam and some others that feminism is “infantilizing” women. They’re not doing that at all. They’re making them untouchable goddesses who are beyond criticism. Think about it. In a dictatorship the dictator enjoys the same protections. You can’t criticize or disagree with him, he gets immunity from any crimes, he suffers no consequences for his actions, and he can persecute anyone he wishes outside his support base.

    So what’s happened is not an infantilization of women but rather the system has made them goddess-like dictators over the lives of men. I don’t see where infants or little kids have anywhere NEAR this kind of arbitrary power over others.


  7. criolle johnny April 30, 2014 at 18:51 #

    I WAS gonna harp about the spelling “arrer”. Then I checked the dictionary and now I’m not quite sure.
    “Refusing TO TOW THE PARTY LINE (caps mine) makes them stupid and incapable of understanding?”
    Toe: to conform rigorously to a rule or standard
    Tow: to hold something and move it in a particular direction

    Perhaps they DO want members to “tow” the party line!


  8. judgybitch April 30, 2014 at 18:54 #

    It’s an error I keep making repeatedly! It should be “toe” the party line!

    I’ll fix that.


  9. zodak April 30, 2014 at 19:00 #

    so am i! i’ve started speaking up when girls mention it. i’m going to start linking to this post too.


  10. comslave April 30, 2014 at 19:26 #

    This is not a rape culture. And a get sick and tired of the various trivialities that feminists claim is evidence of “rape culture”. This is no where even close to a rape culture. That’s just a pejorative to lay down a blanket condemnation of all men.

    But it can be, and here’s how:

    1. Push boys out of the school system.
    2. Practice hypergamy to such an extent that only the top 5% of male wage earners are considered “worthy”.
    3. Raise boys in single parent homes so they never actually see what a loving father looks like.
    4. Vilify all men as predators.
    5. Screw with the definition of rape to the extent no form of “consensual sex” exists, so that you always have the “cry rape” weapon against your boyfriend if he disappoints you.
    6. Force men into sex offender classes just like they’ve already been convicted.
    7. Make fun of the suffering of men.
    8. Treat the sexual abuse of boys as if it’s a trivial matter. Claim that it cannot even be called rape.

    Keep this up for, say, 15 years. Long enough to cover the maturation of a generation of boys. You’ll end up with a generation of young men so pissed off that they will no longer care about your safety. All women will be seen by these boys as the enemy.

    THIS is the formula for rape culture. Not something as trivial as pornography or the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, or people asking pointed questions regarding an accusation. Real rape culture doesn’t come when men see women as sex objects. Real rape culture comes when men see women as the enemy. Sex objects get affection, the enemy gets raped (see Germany 1945).

    This is why women have a far more invested interest in fighting feminism than men. Partnership works out far better than war.

    Right now the only hope I see is MGTOW. Men like myself who find ways of stepping aside from the hate. Who let the hate bounce off them and attend to what’s important. MGTOW is a sign that men can set aside real reasons for resentment and focus on their own betterment. I only see two possible outcomes from current trends: MGTOW or Germany. Pick MGTOW. Not giving a fuck saves lives.


  11. Spaniard April 30, 2014 at 19:47 #

    “A los curas pederastas hay que perdonar
    porque los niños no hacen más que provocar”

    “We should forgive the rapist clergy
    coz children behave very provocative all the time”

    That is a mantra from the Catholic right wing, here.

    But seriously… the only “rape culture” here is about priests abusing little boys (not little girls).


  12. robertcrayle April 30, 2014 at 19:49 #

    Creating a tyrant (or group of them) has one sinister end result – creating the scapegoat. A tyrant (or group of them) is demanded by a segment of the populace and then imposed on the rest. The rest then spend a while organising and realising they are in fact the majority. The final step is the uprising – which is the point when the tyrant(s) inevitably end up killed, imprisoned, or exiled to die.

    I suppose the point I’m making is that the real trouble for women is in the future, not the present. And the people creating this are the perfect replicas of Caesar – at the end “et tu, One Good Man”? This dunce of a woman (Belle) can’t see that her tyrannical ravings (whinings) are much more precarious than she’d ever imagine.


  13. Jim April 30, 2014 at 20:35 #

    “This is not a rape culture.”

    Yup. The only “rape culture” in existence is the culture of false rape accusations, which are RAMPANT these days. It really sucks because not only are so many men and families being destroyed by this crap but I doubt a woman’s claim every time I hear a rape accusation come out of her mouth. We all know there are REAL instances of rape but thanks to these idiots the first thing I think is, “Yeah but how do I know she isn’t lying”.

    This is kind of like the race card nonsense. I doubt every instance of this accusation because it’s been used to cry wolf so many times. Both of these things are being used as political weapons. Seems like we live in a Communist nation anymore where everything is politicized.

    This PC religion has gotten WAY out of hand! It’s a modern inquisition with its own sins, priests, punishments, and excommunications. Like a damned religion!


  14. desperada57 April 30, 2014 at 20:49 #

    Naaaaasty! If I got drunk enough to do that, I’d be in the ER getting my stomach pumped!


  15. YouLoveThemWhileWeGrabTheirWallet April 30, 2014 at 21:06 #

    Yeah @comslave – first pathologize them, then be surprised when they learn to despise you and respond to you violently. w/r/t Germany in 1945 or any other rapefest – did a bit of searching/reading – I notice a tendency to refer to women as innocents. Yeah, rape sucks and I hope I never am, but again we have the agency thing: May I point out that as adults – both men and women are complicit in any behavior of whatever team, organization or country they are part of. And right there is some good motivation for the otherwise quaking bystanders to step it up a notch.


  16. criolle johnny April 30, 2014 at 22:07 #

    Spell check doesn’t catch that.
    I honestly could not tell if you were indulging in a little word-play humor.


  17. Major-General May 1, 2014 at 01:12 #

    First time reader here, you’re going on my RSS. A few thoughts:

    1) So, in NC if you’re legally drunk, which I presume is .08 now due to MADD and the feds, that works out to two to three drinks within two hours for most women and for a lot of men. Which isn’t a particularly fast rate.

    2) It may just because I am a man, white, heterosexual, but I don’t remember ever being so drunk as to be unaware of what my actions were, or of the environment around me. Or maybe I’ve just never seen the point of drinking until I pass out. However, I have been legally drunk, and I have been able to make decisions, some of them poor, and have been aware of them when sober.

    3) “This idea that men cannot control their impulses is archaic and offensive.” Yet the inability to control our impulses, particularly sexual impulses, is a major driving force behind most sex education; the idea that you’re children are going to have sex, and they are unable to choose whether they or not they will, thus necessitating that they know how to put a condom on in the fifth grade.

    3a) What seems to be the difficulty in teaching someone to use a condom anyway? It’s like know one can read. Or maybe it’s because they’ve had a public education.

    4) I thought rape was a power crime. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.


  18. Rebecca May 1, 2014 at 04:33 #

    Some girls are so disturbed by their dark repressed fantasies that it makes them neurotic enough to imagine that everyone wants to rape them.


  19. patriarchal landmine May 1, 2014 at 05:34 #

    yes, the man who was cornered and forced into sex with that woman was raped.

    but I also highly doubt that it ruined his life. he didn’t consider suicide, he didn’t consider himself broken or ruined as a person, and he didn’t curl up and cry like a baby.

    he sucked it up (FIGURATIVELY) and moved on with his life the same day.


  20. Eric May 1, 2014 at 08:43 #

    Up front: Rape and abortion are distinct issues.

    However, I see a common point in the feminist mindset on both issues in that the woman should have total authority to determine whether the sex was collaborative or rape (in which case the man must bear the burden) or whether the embryo/fetus is a tumor or a beloved child (in which case the man must bear the burden).

    I agree with Jim at April 30, 2014 at 17:03. The feminists’ goal is maximal power and doing away with mitigating, balancing constraints.


  21. Eric May 1, 2014 at 08:47 #

    Belle Knox: “my friends had epitomized slut and victim shaming.”

    Belle Knox epitomized reasonable-person and common-sense shaming.


  22. Jason Wexler May 1, 2014 at 14:36 #

    Forgive me for repeating myself but I thought this link and a bit of commentary would be appropriate to this discussion.


    I am confused by the combination of items two, three and four on this list… I understand that not everyone here would agree with item two “if you have sex (even consensual sex) with a drunk woman you are a rapist”, but by itself I would accept that premise, however the next item on the list is “if you have sex with a woman, while you are drunk you are a rapist”, surely that was a typo, the author must have meant that if you have sex when your both drunk, a bit over the top perhaps but whatever. Except that isn’t the end because the fourth item on the list says “if you are both drunk and you have sex with her, you are a rapist”. Suddenly I am not feeling so forgiving or equitable towards the notion that that drunkness precludes consent. This rape culture theorist has just told us even when the man is the victim it’s really the woman who is the victim. I say this with the blessing of my many very competent female colleagues (recall I am a professional scientist), it’s no wonder feminists can’t seem to make it in the STEM fields, they don’t understand the first thing about the scientific method or rational exploration.


  23. Rebecca May 1, 2014 at 16:01 #

    An erection is a display of hostility like a middle finger. All heterosexual sex is rape. If I molest my husband while we are both sloshed, it is because I have Stockholm syndrome.


  24. Rebecca May 1, 2014 at 16:02 #

    …and he is actually raping me.


  25. Goober May 1, 2014 at 17:02 #

    Funny, coming from Belle Knox. Several of the videos that she made showed pretty violent sex acts, including one where a man had his hands wrapped around her neck, simulating choking her. Looked pretty rapey to me. If anyone is perpetuating rape culture…


  26. LostSailor May 1, 2014 at 17:08 #

    I thought rape was a power crime.

    C’mon, Major-General, get with the program. Rape is whatever crime feminists say it is depending on how much they want to vilify men.

    It’s a crime of power and violence that’s not about sex, because that’s the prevailing image society has of the knife-wielding raper in the alley or lurking in the bushes who will kill you if you don’t submit.

    It’s a crime of insufficient consent to consensual sex when a woman has had a couple of drinks and either regrets or needs an excuse the next day and because she knows, especially on college campuses, that she can avail herself of a non-due-process system whereby a couple of professors and maybe a dean will judge just how many drinks was too many to turn non-violent sex into rape.

    Then, when that man has been labeled a “rapist” by a preponderance of evidence standard, tossed out of school throwing tens of thousands of dollars down the drain, rape once again becomes a crime of power and violence and that’s the definition that’s applied to him when, for example, he tries to enroll in another school, transfer credits, etc.


  27. LostSailor May 1, 2014 at 17:10 #

    Belle Knox is a rather pathetic porn “star” who is trying to burnish her feminist cred by writing a vacuuous article that parrots feminist talking points.

    She’s an airhead, so of course she doesn’t get that her two girlfriends are showing that they are the sexual aggressors who seek out such sexual situations. The feminist line is that these girls just haven’t been “educated” or “enlightened” enough by feminism to recognize their victimization. Not that this “enlightenment” will stop such behavior (nor is it intended to, quite the opposite), but it will serve to increase the victim pool.

    Belle Knox is a feminist tool.

    You toss out Blurred Lines, but appear not to have actually listened to the song.

    It’s a common thing. Reagan used Springsteen’s Born in the U.S.A. repeatedly while campaigning, apparently not really caring that it’s not really much of a patriotic song nor a celebration of being American born.


  28. Jason Wexler May 1, 2014 at 18:18 #

    Yeah how could possibly forget that important caveat.


  29. Goober May 1, 2014 at 20:19 #

    Of course, my watching the videos was for purely academic purposes… 🙂


  30. desperada57 May 1, 2014 at 21:32 #

    I think he was probably squicked about it (who wouldn’t be?) But he knows he wasn’t injured, he didn’t get herpes or AIDS and that shit happens. He probably took more care in the future how drunk he got among strangers.


  31. Me May 1, 2014 at 22:21 #

    This came up on my FB feed (actually the post was from his sister about how she had no idea.)

    Thought you should see it if you haven´t already.


    At least it´s starting to be something that is talked about.


  32. Me May 1, 2014 at 22:29 #

    This is, I think, the crux of the biscuit, “She abused the fact I was a man. She knew that if she wanted to she could put me in prison,’ he says.”


  33. Rebecca May 2, 2014 at 00:50 #

    I was traumatized.


  34. Magnus May 2, 2014 at 11:35 #

    Oh how much I would like to be slut shamed rather than shamed for my gender.
    At least a slut is a sub segment of a gender (Actually no men can be sluts too.)

    But to shame a man for just being a man, that is the lowest of the low.

    So many places on the internet and in real life you hear things like “men are evil” or “men are the root of all evil, just look at history” and “Teach men not to rape”.

    Heck the whole thing boils down to: “Men are born evil, and only feminism can stop it”.

    News flash. Men aren’t evil. But I think misunderstanding and negatively reinforcing the stereotypes surrounding masculinity is a ticking time bomb.

    PS: To bad you don’t read Norwegian JB, was an interesting discussion in Norwegian media a few weeks back about lowering sentences, introducing counseling/mediation between parties in cases of “party/sleep rape”. The theory (of a female Psychiatrist) was that most women who had been sexually taken advantage of in their sleep often didn’t want the person arrested/thrown in jail, but rather wanted an apology and an acknowledgement that what happened was “not okay”.
    Kay opponents of the idea was a female lawyer who specialize in helping “female victims of rape”. Gee I wonder why? Could it be that someone will be making less money if that happens? 😛


  35. Magnus May 2, 2014 at 11:42 #

    Not to mention it’s own Deity, something that has complete power over us, but we can’t exactly point our finger at. In Feminism that deity is called Patriarchy. Only through feminism can one break free from Patriarchy, which enslaves the women, and make men evil.
    *le sigh^*


  36. Magnus May 2, 2014 at 11:52 #

    “if you have sex with a woman, while you are drunk you are a rapist”

    Not a typo. Because women aren’t accountable for their actions while drunk doesn’t mean we aren’t. Men, no matter what they do are always accountable for their actions, it was in the “You were born a male EULA” that we all agreed to when we were born.

    This is the fucked up hate ideology that is feminism in a nutshell.


  37. Rebecca May 2, 2014 at 14:25 #

    Given that men are much more likely than women to be arrested and convicted of domestic violence, you might conclude that men are more prone to violence than women. What do you conclude from the fact that black men are much more likely to be harassed by the police, arrested and convicted of any crimes than white men?


  38. Jim May 2, 2014 at 16:32 #

    It’s called government policy. Study economics sometime.


  39. Spaniard May 2, 2014 at 17:54 #

    Vigeland Park is one of the most impressive places in da world. Vigeland´s art is at the same level of Buonarroti´s. It shows the beauty of both female and male Nordic human beings. Which is something we should support deeply these days of polical correcteness and black-brown invasion in Europe.
    Countries such Norway or Spain which had no colonies in Africa back in time (just Ecuatorial Guinea and Morocco, the case of Spain, zero the case of Norway) we do not have the moral obligation of coping with massive inmigration form Africa. Maybe UK, France and Belgium they have. Their problem.

    Ibsen was a sensible feminist. That feminism has nothing to do with Third Wave.

    Said this… Evil came to Earth through Eve, not through Adam. Everybody knows it.
    Adam was a nice guy and Satan was a bad boy.
    Jesus Christ was a nice guy too. That is why most women feel an instinctive disgut to Christian religion. Well, except when they reach 30 and they want to marry and have kids and they become born again virgins. We have to re-explain Madonna´s song.


  40. The Beat Man May 2, 2014 at 20:54 #

    Reblogged this on Life in Anglo-America and commented:


  41. Take The Red Pill May 2, 2014 at 23:25 #

    As I replied to one feminist, “The worst thing that women have to fear is not men’s hatred, but their indifference. Because it is only the concern of Good Men that protects women from Bad Men.”
    Man-hating feminism has spent the last fifty years getting men to either REALLY hate women, or simply not care about women anymore (MGTOW).
    And feminists should realize that this society that they want and support isn’t sustainable.

    I USED to be a Good Man, until I realized what being a Good Man would get me, and how society treats Good Men.
    Now, as a MGHOW, the only women I care about are the ones that I know personally (i.e., relatives and friends).
    All other women are on their own. It shouldn’t bother them, because they don’t need men; they said so.


  42. Take The Red Pill May 2, 2014 at 23:38 #

    Any idiot that would believe that a sleazy trollop who spent the previous fifteen to twenty years as the town doorknob could become a ‘born-again virgin’, would also be stupid enough to believe that ‘fire can burn backwards’.


  43. comslave May 3, 2014 at 09:25 #

    The important thing to remember is that we are now in the age of the single mother. This means boys with shorter and shorter family ties to women. Fewer grandmothers and aunts. The entire paternal side of the family gone. And a mother spiteful of men in general. What kind of man will this boy become?


  44. Spaniard May 3, 2014 at 19:36 #

    The myth of the “born again virgin” and the myth of married women out of the carousel.

    Personal story here. I few hours ago.
    I am always telling how much success I have with hookers and how less success I have with “civilian” women (non hookers)
    So, I am not suspicious of being a boastful.
    But sometimes I am lucky with “civilians” (no more than a 1% of my attempts)

    So… last night I met a bunch of attractive Danish women, early 40s, partying Madrid nightlife. All of them marry. I start talking to one of them. We kept on talking and drinking, and one thing leaded to another.

    I suggest to Nordic hubbies to put a chastity bell on their wives every time they go to the South of Europe for a “grrrrl weekend”.

    Well, better if they do not.


  45. Spaniard May 3, 2014 at 19:38 #

    All of them MARRIED.


  46. Jason Wexler May 3, 2014 at 22:31 #

    It’s been pointed out to me elsewhere, and I am ashamed to admit I didn’t realize it before, but it is actually a sort of typo if you accept that a poorly worded sentence that doesn’t convey your actual meaning is a typo. What apparently was meant, was that if you rape a woman while drunk you are accountable still for your actions, your own inebriation doesn’t absolve you of responsibility.

    To forestall your obvious response yes I know it’s inconsistent but at least it isn’t as bat-shit crazy, as how I initial read and presented the idea. The best face or spin I can put on this new interpretation of the idea is that people aren’t accountable for bad decisions they make while their judgment is impaired but apparently they are responsible for the crimes they commit while their judgement is impaired… and after having written and re-read that, it actually doesn’t sound the much better, than the gender based double standard it was meant to replace. Never-the-less I’ve done my due diligence and corrected my own mistakes.


  47. Russell May 3, 2014 at 23:50 #

    The road to hell is paved in good intentions.


  48. Jim May 4, 2014 at 02:05 #

    “I suggest to Nordic hubbies to put a chastity bell on their wives every time they go to the South of Europe for a “grrrrl weekend”.”

    Heh, too bad those are “out of style” these days. 😉


  49. Spaniard May 4, 2014 at 14:46 #

    She told me hubby was taking care of the children full time during the weekend.

    Now she is flying back to Copenhagen. 🙂


  50. Spaniard May 4, 2014 at 14:47 #



  51. Magnus May 5, 2014 at 07:39 #

    I always like to use “Drunk driving” as a good anecdote for drunken sescapades.

    Here is the Scenario.
    A person is drunk and decide to drive his car, on his way he hits and hurts a pedestrian. This is a crime, and the driver is punished.
    I would equate this to being drunk and sexually assaulting, raping, a person (you don’t know)on your way home from a party. Both drunk driving and rape is a criminal offence. (Hitting a pedestrian is also a punishable offence, even when not drunk.). Here the offended, the pedestrian, has no accountability or fault in the matter.

    Now let’s say the driver has a drunk passenger as well. On the way home the driver drives off the road, and the passenger is hurt. This I would equate to two drunk people going home together while having flirted.
    One person got hurt, but at the same time the passenger did get into the car willingly, knowing the other person too was drunk. And must be accountable for their own action of putting themselves in danger.
    Everyone would agree to that, but oddly in the case of rape it is the biggest offence to even suggest the offended has any accountability at all in the situation.

    Now for the last one.
    Back to driver and pedestrian. But now the driver is sober and the pedestrian is drunk, walking in the middle of the street. It is still the drivers job to avoid hitting the drunk pedestrian, but he might be taken by surprise, not seeing the pedestrian.
    This is a case I would say where even if one party is more drunk than the other you might not still be taking advantage and raping the other person, as the other person might have put them selves in a position where it seems like consent at the time.
    But this too according to feminists is rape. Because men need to be omniscient and know weather the tipsy girl wan’ts it, or don’t really want it but still touch your crotch, but wakes up and figured out that “this wasn’t the crotch I wanted to touch”.

    Wow long anecdote, but hope it explains a little about the “who is drunk” issues I have.
    Also notice I kept it gender neutral til I introduced feminism 😉 This is to show that it could be either gender “fucking up” while drunk, but only men can do it according to feminism.


  52. Scotty G. May 5, 2014 at 09:08 #

    I’ve already witnessed the seedlings of such a horrifyingly vengeful future when I’ve been on forums consisting primarily of young males like 4chan.

    The degree of anger they have for gynocentric feminism, cultural Marxism, and the slutty princess brigade they have to accept as their dating pool could be best described as sociopathic when mass murderers like Anders Behring Breivik are commonly flirted as an ironic hero of sorts (going beyond shock-value and trolling.)

    I hope that men’s movements, inclusive and fair-minded as AVFM, will be successful in turning the cultural tide away from fashionable misandry before a generation of wrathful lost boys create a clandestine war machine that the world hasn’t seen for over 70 years.

    Grrlpower will not have a prayer if that day comes.


  53. Luke May 6, 2014 at 09:55 #

    To keep it light here, a classic rape-related joke:

    Q: Why does Mike Tyson always cry after he has sex.
    A: The mace.

    Seriously, with all the women that aren’t holding up their end of things with providing sex to sub-alpha men during the men’s 20s (whom they expect will still work and keep the civilization going), along with all the frivorce, adultery, cuckoldry, etc., it’s a wonder there isn’t 100x as much rape as there is.


  54. wdodman May 9, 2014 at 21:54 #

    I call it abusing their privilege.


  55. matt May 19, 2014 at 22:59 #

    Any guy who would have rough and kinky sex with this woman is playing with fire. She has a rape fantasy fetish and gets off on rough sex. All she would have to do is cry foul and the guy she had sex with would be crucified in court…she’d have the bruises to prove it.


  56. JShaft May 20, 2014 at 07:17 #

    Preaching to the choir here, but I’m a sucker for a well-written sermon!

    Seriously, there’s way deeper I could happily get into the ridiculous perma-victim silliness, if anyone was interested. It gets personal and mental-health related, so I don’t wanna be the one bringing an interesting downer to you all…

    Yeah, the removal of all agency, the teaching of fear, the blaming of anything you fear for your fear, rather than moderating one’s own emotions, well…

    Far be it from me to diagnose anyone else specifically with a mental illness, but all of these things do ring abso-fucking-lutely true to my own inner experience while severely mentally ill…

    Nothing like claiming the world is A) What it isn’t and then B) Predicating your own ability to feel any kind of happiness on changing point A through C) Completely ineffective means that have no relation to either reality or point A.

    Good luck with that, Feminism.

    If they could see their way clear to getting to D) Not regularly insulting half of humanity, I could go back to ignoring them, rather than derisively laughing 🙂


  57. Melissa June 5, 2014 at 00:08 #

    where does this list come from?


  58. Jason Wexler June 5, 2014 at 03:15 #

    I have encountered that list a few places, the first time I saw it was the one time I went to RedIt and the commentators were adding additional absurdities to show their contempt for the list. After a google search I discovered it was written by an anti-porn feminist (her own description) who went by the pseudonym Biting Beaver, the oldest record I can find of it is from 2006 in the archive of her own now defunct website here http://archiveofthebitingbeaver.wordpress.com/2008/05/31/the-rapist-checklist-repost/


  59. Jason Wexler June 5, 2014 at 03:22 #

    I managed to miss this response a month ago when you sent it (I apologize), my initial reaction to compare the drunken sex to drunk driving as well. It’s part of what has made me very skeptical of this entire list. If you notice in the link I just provided Melissa in my more timely response to her, the original author tells us that after re-reading it before reposting she doesn’t understand why anyone is so upset and disagreeable with the list since it is very reasonable.


  60. pedre123 June 25, 2014 at 10:41 #

    i totally agree, i read an article the other day on jezebel bashing gary oldman for his extremely honest interview for playboy where he went into how he hates how PC the world is

    i went through the comments and the basic horrifying message was “wah people have to stop using derogatory terms”, if youre really worried about people just using offensive words youve got some real waking up to do, theres so much more fucked up shit going on in the world and there always will be, its called humanity, if anyone believes we can live in a world without hardship or hatred or basic evil they are small minded and ignorant


  61. pedre123 June 25, 2014 at 10:42 #



  62. Konrad July 19, 2014 at 12:03 #

    Well said! Always a pleasure to read clear logic and rational thought. Kudos.


  63. stephan151 September 8, 2014 at 01:06 #

    More evidence that 3rd wave internet feminism is a load of shit. The first generation had to fight for voting and property rights, they cut their teeth on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire and were beaten bloody by union busters and mocked by politicians. This generation misrepresents statistics and holds a rigid dichotomy of perpetual victims and perpetual attackers. They invent new definitions for rape, turn a blind eye to true equality, and enable actual rapists by refusing to apply basic common sense to crime prevention education.

    I’m smart enough to know that the examples like above are not the exclusive representatives of modern feminism, which still has a lot of good work to be done, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say my respect for the cause has been corroded over the last few years.



  1. EG: The Love of a Master | Morning Sprinkles and Evening Gunfire - May 6, 2014

    […] partying during college, and date men who maximize their tingles. On top of all this, they want a world where it is safe for them to do […]


  2. the Revision Division - May 8, 2014

    […] JANET BLOOMFIELD: I am now officially sick of rape culture bullsh*t. […]


  3. Four Reasons I’m Protesting the Internation Men’s Issues Conference and One Not Reason | She lives with an apple tree - June 3, 2014

    […] are all aware of the many violent sentiments expressed through their outlets (example, example, example, c’mon, you know how to google don’t you?).  To align yourself with such violent […]


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