Black sociology reveals what is wrong with feminism – new Thought Catalog piece

27 Jul

Traditional sociology spent lots of time measuring and collecting and charting white people’s fear of black people and then used that as proof that white fear was justified. If you are walking down the street at night and some white people approach, are you scared? No? Must be that white people are safe then. If you are walking down the street and black people approach, are you scared? Yes? Black people are scary! Proven!



7 Ways Black Sociology Shows What Is Wrong With Feminism

7 Responses to “Black sociology reveals what is wrong with feminism – new Thought Catalog piece”

  1. nrjnigel July 27, 2014 at 20:28 #

    Very interesting and revealing . Quite probably the history in the UK is different ( with really post WW2 immigration being the pattern rather than black people having as long a history in the US as whites) . However the point about never looking at how real a fear actually is so true. I noted in your BBC this was exactly what your opponent said. Referring to a number of crimes ( FGM and Rape) that are in fact pretty rare she then went on to suggest “women”( with no more idea of how many than ” many”) are afraid as being proof that their was a rape culture ( even though some of the crimes she referred to weren’t rape and anyway are rare) . Given that the culture abhors Rape and has laws against it with stiff penalties there appears no evidence that there is cultural support for rape nor for ” many women to feel afraid


  2. nrjnigel July 27, 2014 at 20:41 #

    Here in England there is a regular public survey of fear of crime. Consistentley the most fearful are old people , most fearful being old women. Of course actually the least likely to be victims of crime. The least fearful being young men with by far the highest likely victims. This is a complete mis match with recorded crime stats ( reported to police) and the British crime survey ( large scale random sampling of citizens). Feelings aren’t facts and bloody useless to base criminal law on.


  3. Myself July 28, 2014 at 03:17 #

    this link is a charming post by a man that pertains to female sexual, relationship, and life narcissism. it’s well written and relates well to many things you post here. enjoy.


  4. Anders Ericsson July 28, 2014 at 12:58 #

    I am about to write a piece myself and want to refer to your text with the 7 points. Just to make sure I haven’t gotten it backwards, the “if black … whites” are actual points argued earlier in the U.S. It’s not just substituting races for gender? Rather the opposite, showing how actual real racist theorizing applies to today’s gender debate?


  5. Goober July 29, 2014 at 00:15 #

    That’s certainly the way I took it.


  6. insanitybytes22 July 29, 2014 at 15:47 #

    This was really interesting to read, so thank you for posting the link.



  1. Black sociology reveals what is wrong with feminism – new Thought Catalog piece | - July 27, 2014

    […] Black sociology reveals what is wrong with feminism – new Thought Catalog piece […]


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