12 Ways to Spot A Feminist

5 Mar


This post originally appeared at Psychology Today and was titled “12 Ways to Spot a Misogynist”. I’ve swapped out “misogynist” for “feminist” and reversed the genders. I deleted the whole section on dating, because feminists will never offer to pay, and in fact will sulk and throw a hissy if men treat them as equals.

Let’s put this article in reverse. Rather interesting, don’t you think?


The feminists. You may have heard of them. But what you may not realize is that they can be anywhere around you. They are notoriously hard to spot. They do not come with a label attached, and they may even come across as pro-man.

In most cases, feminists do not even know that they hate men. Feminism is typically an unconscious hatred that women form early in life, often as a result of a trauma involving a male figure they trusted. An abusive or negligent father, brother, teacher or boyfriend can plant a seed deep down in their brain’s subcortical matter.

Once planted, this seed will germinate and begin to grow, the tiny root working its way into the fear processing and memory areas of the brain as its tiny stem works its way into frontal areas of the brain, affecting emotion and rational decision-making.

The first signs of feminism are barely noticeable, but with additional exposure to neglect, abuse, or lack of treatment, this behavioral seeding will grow larger and more prominent. But even when the feminism reaches maturity and the tendency toward acting with hatred toward men can no longer be controlled, the feminist and the men around her will often fail to notice the condition until it’s too late.

The following traits are typical of the feminist:

She will zero in on a man and choose him as her target. His natural defenses may be down because she’s flirtatious, exciting, fun, and charismatic at first.

As time goes on, she begins to reveal a Jekyll & Hyde personality. She may change quickly from irresistible to rude, and from rude back to irresistible.

She will make promises to men and often fail to keep them. With women, on the other hand, she will almost always keep her word.

She will be late for appointments and dates with men, but be quite punctual with women.

Her behavior toward men in general is grandiose, cocky, controlling, and self-centered.

She is extremely competitive, especially with men. If a man does better than her socially or professionally, she feels terrible. If a woman does better, she may have mixed feelings about it but she is able to look at the situation objectively.

She will unknowingly treat men differently from women in workplace and social settings, allowing women various liberties for which she will criticize male colleagues or friends.

She will be prepared (unconsciously) to use anything within her power to make men feel miserable. She may demand sex or withhold sex in her relationships, make jokes about men or put them down in public, “borrow” their ideas in professional contexts without giving them credit, or borrow money from them without paying them back.

Sexually, she likes to control men and gives little or no attention to their sexual pleasure. Foreplay, if it occurs at all, is only a necessary means to an end. She likes oral sex but only as a recipient. Her favorite positions enable her to avoid looking the man in his eyes.

She will cheat on men she is dating or in a relationship with. Monogamy is the last thing she feels she owes a man.

She may suddenly disappear from a relationship without ending it, but may come back three months later with an explanation designed to lure the man back in.

Only rarely will a feminist possess every one of these traits, which makes it harder to identify them. Their ability to lure men in with their charm and charisma adds to the difficulty of spotting the early-warning signs.

Man haters (unconsciously) get off on treating men badly. Every time they can put down a man or hurt his feelings, they unconsciously feel good because deep down in their hidden brain, their bad behavior is rewarded with a dose of the pleasure chemical dopamine—which makes them want to repeat the behavior again and again.

Gee, and people wonder why #WomenAgainstFeminism exists?

Such a mystery.

Lots of love,





23 Responses to “12 Ways to Spot A Feminist”

  1. LostSailor March 5, 2015 at 00:50 #

    Wow, JB. I mean low-hanging fruit and all, but that is eerie, just uncanny. The ironic projection, however, will be completely lost on feminists…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. JudgyBitch March 5, 2015 at 00:52 #

    Seriously weird. I used find and replace and basically didn’t have to change a single word.


  3. Mike Buchanan March 5, 2015 at 01:08 #

    Hi JB. Keeping well, I trust? Hopefully you’ll be a speaker at ICMI15 in Houston? AVfM have kindly offered to fund my hotel and meals bills, and a crowdfunder has just raised the £770 for flights. The four Brits who made it to ICMI14 in Detroit will be going to ICMI15, and I believe more will go to ICMI15.

    Let me buy you and Mr JB – one of the luckiest men on the planet, frankly, but I guess he knows it – a drink or two at ICMI15. I plan to bring along Johnnie, Jim, and Glen, for some after-hours refreshments – as well as a few Patriarchy Havana cigars for Dan Perrins, Jack Barnes, and others.

    Isn’t it about damned time you, Karen Straughan, and Alison Tieman, launched the Canadian political party I suggested at ICMI14?

    Lots of love,

    Mike Buchanan

    (and the women who love them)


    Liked by 2 people

  4. insanitybytes22 March 5, 2015 at 01:39 #

    Well done. That is spooky. Feminists really do project their own selves onto men. I discovered this when I encountered some genuine misogyny… from feminists. It was one of those light bulb moments, where you go “wait a minute, men don’t hate women, you do!” When you consider how so many of their policies are actually bad for women, it starts to make even more sense.


  5. christopher allman March 5, 2015 at 01:58 #

    I think the worst part of feminism for men, is the feminist’s belief that they have some unique Iinsight into male psychology and motivations (wheN in reality, they get male psychology 100% wrong ). But now they assume they even have unique insight into the uunconscious feelings of men? How could such a thing be published in a ppsychology magazine? It seems totally without scientific merit.


  6. farkennel March 5, 2015 at 03:08 #

    Judgybitch,the link that you commented on has a woman who disputes the five year maximum on infanticide.She also doesn`t know that you`re Canadian(she thinks your American)you might want to go back and correct her.She also says you dont care about facts because you`re a paid lobbyist.


  7. Jason Wexler March 5, 2015 at 03:16 #

    So I am going to be a bit of a wet blanket here and say, that in both versions there is some truth to the accusations. I also find the same phenomenon when looking at any pair of diametrically opposed world views, one can switch back and forth between the virtuous and the wicked partner with ease in any diatribe. This may say more about the psychology of ideology or conflict than anything profound about feminist hypocrisy. We are hard wired by evolution to view the world as a Manichean struggle, whomever we pick as our opponents will always express the worst possible traits, and they will see the same in us, unless we pick an opponent who has no animosity towards us.

    I have grown skeptical of the modern western social justice movement, because I see them increasingly seeking vengeance instead of justice. I think there are legitimate complaints to be made and redressed by the MRM, but I am worried that it will go down the same road of Manichean animosity. How long will it be before the MRM stops distinguishing (as it rightly does now), between radical feminism, cafeteria feminism and women in general? Let’s not forget that women’s suffrage and workplace equality were laudable goals (even when accounting for the shroud of historical inaccuracy surrounding the modern interpretations of those struggles); which never-the-less spawned that dishonest, man-hating tripe that is “patriarchy theory”, which sits as the centerpiece of contemporary feminism. Over-thinking what’s wrong with feminism may lead us down the same path, the upshot of the discourse in the previous thread about noncomplaining fathers, is that men do and women emote; if one intends for the MRM to avoid becoming another whiny ideology it would be smart of them to just state the problems and offer solutions, rather than kvetching about the underlying causes.


  8. Jack Strawb March 5, 2015 at 05:21 #

    It is without merit, but that’s true of most of Psychology Today. It’s just pop psychology aimed to sell subscriptions, and to sell readers to advertisers.


  9. Jack Strawb March 5, 2015 at 05:37 #

    if one intends for the MRM to avoid becoming another whiny ideology it would be smart of them to just state the problems and offer solutions, rather than kvetching about the underlying causes.

    This is an unfortunate example of either/or thinking. The MRM can both state problems and offer solutions AND examine underlying causes to a purpose.


  10. Peacock March 5, 2015 at 05:50 #

    Hey JB, is the similar logic applicable in your case? You had an abusive female figure earlier in your life as you posted earlier. How much does that contribute to you being an anti-feminist or maybe you got over it all?


  11. wtfwtf13 March 5, 2015 at 06:46 #

    Her real life experience made her worldly-wise,so she doesn’t sing the famous MANGINA tune of ” Man :bad, Woman :good “.


  12. Patrick DiSandro March 5, 2015 at 07:14 #

    What I find most funny about this is that most men, and most MRA, will admit that there are flat out misogynists out there who DO hate women. They’re bad people, we don’t like them either. As this article shows, the similarities between vitriol, hateful, and self centered men and women are shockingly identical. Meanwhile, feminists refuse to acknowledge the misandrists among them, or else when one of them proclaims it proudly they just say “oh that’s not MY feminism.” (or cheer her on in some cases.)

    Two leap out at me as being much more specifically true about feminists than misogynists.
    “She will unknowingly treat men differently from women in workplace and social settings, allowing women various liberties for which she will criticize male colleagues or friends.

    She will be prepared (unconsciously) to use anything within her power to make men feel miserable. She may demand sex or withhold sex in her relationships, make jokes about men or put them down in public, “borrow” their ideas in professional contexts without giving them credit, or borrow money from them without paying them back.”

    Misogynists might treat women different at work and public, but rarely in the sense of ‘allowing men liberties he will criticize men for’, but more just thinking of them as inferior, or not as good. Feminists, on the other hand, are chock full of double standards. Women can, and have, gotten away with murder thanks to feminists. Men meanwhile have to be careful that their technical jargon doesn’t sound like an innuendo, oh and make sure you don’t look like someone who raped a woman halfway across the country, that’ll get you banned from parts of school.


  13. richard March 5, 2015 at 09:15 #

    Doesn’t surprise me. Bigots are bigots.


  14. Jay Deez March 5, 2015 at 10:18 #

    When people start referring to a group of humans clinically:

    “An abusive or negligent mother, sister, teacher or girlfriend can plant a seed deep down in their brain’s subcortical matter. Once planted, this seed will germinate and begin to grow, the tiny root working its way into the fear processing and memory areas of the brain as its tiny stem works its way into frontal areas of the brain, affecting emotion and rational decision-making.”

    Well, it certainly gives you an idea of how they view that group of people, doesn’t it?

    Kinda like that speech Calvin Candie gives about black people in Django Unchained, justttt a little unsettling.


  15. MacOisdealbh March 5, 2015 at 13:05 #

    The original article was absolute crap from what used to be a half way respectable publication. It is getting harder and harder to have anything but disgust, let alone respect, for any of the mainstream media. Any young man growing up in the today’s culture has my sympathy, the majority don’t even have the opportunity to hear anything other than the gyno-biased hateful feminist propaganda being spewed out of mainstream media.
    Keep up the great work Janet, we need people with all kinds of perspectives on our side and every voice from the wilderness counts.


  16. that1susan March 5, 2015 at 13:20 #

    “Their ability to lure men in with their charm and charisma adds to the difficulty of spotting the early-warning signs.”

    So, to integrate this in with all the other stuff I’ve heard about feminists in the manosphere, I guess feminists are fat, ugly, charming, and charismatic, all rolled into one. 🙂

    Jason has a point about the people at both ends of the spectrum — men who hate women and women who hate men — bearing a strong resemblance to one another. And they’ve probably both become who they are today for very similar reasons — and are therefore equally worthy of compassion, or condemnation — whichever mindset we each happen to choose…

    But for those who choose condemnation — remember the warning: those who hate are doomed to become like those they hate. And have a nice day, while you’re at it. 🙂


  17. Menotyou March 5, 2015 at 14:05 #

    I love man’s ability to instinctively (and comically) ferret out bullshit. Love this parody!


  18. Orphan March 7, 2015 at 23:38 #

    Berit Brogaard reminds me of the childrens story of the fox who wanted the ripe, plump grapes. She jumped and jumped, but could not grab them. She concluded they were all sour, very, very sour.
    Berit wanted the Alpha who was out of her league. She slutted and slutted. She just could not get that ball and chain to stay on his leg. This has left a sour scar on her soul.
    Now her hamster whispers, “He was not a real Alpha. He passed on his one true soul-mate because he was damaged. Yes, yes, in fact, he hates women, all women, even his own Mother. Damn him!”
    Now Berit warns us all of the evil misogynists, with their six-pack abs and silver tongues.


  19. Noor March 12, 2015 at 21:09 #

    The projection of feminists is amazing. After one broke things off with me, she was telling someone that I had personal baggage that resulted in me being sympathetic to men’s issues. Yet her feminism seems to result only from that her father beat and raped her mother, and she’s said that she read and agreed with everything in The Myth of Male Power, *except* the title.

    Yeah, I’m still trying to figure out that one.


  20. Matthew Chiglinsky March 19, 2015 at 05:49 #

    Hairy legs are natural. I reject the notion that women should be expected to apply a sharp blade to their legs on a regular basis, and I’m not a male feminist.

    The effect of female nudity on the male mind is biology, but the effect of unshaven female legs on the male mind is cultural. The problem is that feminists and their opposing misogynists often get culture confused with biology and as a result have unfair expectations of each other. I think this is the origin of the ongoing gender war. If we could just sort these behaviors out, then men and women could maybe relax and stop hating each other.



  1. 12 Ways to Spot A Feminist | Manosphere.com - March 5, 2015

    […] 12 Ways to Spot A Feminist […]


  2. Janet Bloomfeld: 12 ways to spot a feminist | Justice for men & boys - March 5, 2015

    […] really must subscribe to JB’s blog if you haven’t […]


  3. 12 ways to spot a female gynocentrist (other than the smell in the room) - March 5, 2015

    […] Bloomfield, of evil JudgyBitch notoriety, just posted an article, “12 Ways to Spot a Feminist.” It is a parody piece based on article from Psychology Today, “12 Ways to Spot a […]


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